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Certosa di Padula, capolavoro del Barocco
The Charterhouse of Padula, also known as the Certosa di San Lorenzo, is one of the largest monastic complexes in Europe.

I templi di Paestum
The temples of Paestum represent one of the most important and best-preserved archaeological sites of ancient Magna Graecia.

Gli scavi di Ercolano
The excavations at Herculaneum constitute one of the most important and best-preserved archaeological sites in ancient Campania.

Scopri Amalfi
Amalfi is a beautiful village located along the Amalfi Coast in the Campania region of southern Italy.

Positano, destinazione simbolo dell'Italia
Positano is a picturesque coastal town located along the Amalfi Coast in the Campania region of southern Italy.
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